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English Resources

Lit 2 Go

Lit2Go is a collection of stories and poems in MP3 (Audiobook) and (eBook).

Star Fall

A well known website for primary school children promoting basic reading skills.

Open Library

Create an account and borrow from an amazing selection of books. 

Many Books

Lots of eBooks in different title available.

Over Drive

Thousands of eBooks and Audiobooks available in OverDrive.

PDF Drive

PDF Drive is a search engine which allows to search, preview and download millions of eBooks.


The world's largest eBook library and largest scientific articles store.

Loyal Books

Loyal books provide to different title of Audiobooks and eBooks.

Computer Books

Computer books Provide to different title of computer eBooks.

E-Book Directory

E-Books Directory is a daily growing list of links to freely accessible eBooks, documents and lecture notes found all over the internet.

Book Centre

Free Book Centre contains links to thousands of online technical books. Which Include core computer science, networking, programming languages, Systems Programming books, Linux books and many more.


Math.com is dedicated to providing revolutionary ways for students, parents, teachers, and everyone to learn math. Combining educationally sound principles with proprietary technology, Math.com offers a unique experience that quickly guides the user to the solutions they need and the products they want.

Learn Math Step by Step

Mathematical ideas have been explained in the simplest possible way. Here you will have plenty of math help and lots of fun while learning and teaching math step-by-step.

Google eBooks

Google Book provides different title of books in eBooks.


Select your education board and class, and quickly find videos of your interest.

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